World’s leading remote fiber test system
With so many panels of trace information available to view, we created its own drop-down list on the toolbar. Select what panels you’d like to use. Keep hidden those you don’t need to use. In addition to the ability to display all trace panels, you can also group them into a single dockable frame that is accessible using small tabs.
A new feature in our latest release gives you the ability to compare all trace information in a single graph. In the past, it was possible to compare historical traces, but now you can easily select a trace from anywhere in the application. If you don't want a particular trace displayed, use filter buttons to remove trace from view. If you want to see loss information on a particular trace, the color matched menu in the trace window gives you the ability to know what metrics you are viewing.
Select any of the following and overlay the traces in the graph:
· The last trace taken on a particular circuit/route
· The trace currently set as the “Reference Trace”
· The trace that caused an alarm
· The trace that was the reference trace for the alarm
· Any completed job to see the trace that resulted
· The overlay of any trace from the Trace History Selector